李霞,副教授,博士,硕士生导师。研究方向包括:智慧交通、交通安全、道路规划与设计。获省部级以上科学技术进步奖2项,厅局级奖励3项,主持科研项目12项(国家级项目1项,省部级项目2项,厅局级项目2项,横向项目7项),主研科研项目22项,参编地标4项,第一作者及通讯作者发表论文30余篇,授权发明专利6项,校企共建省级重点实验室“河北省高速公路数字化技术与装备重点实验室”学术带头人,《Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles》《中国公路学报》等期刊审稿人。
校级教学名师, 先后讲授《道路勘测设计》《自动驾驶与智慧交通》等13门课程,“道路勘测设计课程组”教学团队负责人,天津市线下一流课程负责人,省级虚拟仿真类一流课程主讲人,获河北省高校教师教学创新大赛二等奖、第二十七届全国师生信息素养提升实践活动研讨作品奖、全国多媒体课件大赛荣获高教理科组三等奖3项省部级以上教学奖励;主持省级教改项目3项,主编或参编3本教材。
- [1] Gao H, Ren X, You Z. Determination of the optimal connected and automated vehicles platoon size based on the merging success rate. Transportation Letter, 2023, , 1-15..
- [2] 李霞,汪一戈,崔洪军,朱敏清,王欣桐. .智能网联环境下复杂异质交通流稳定性解析. 交通运输系统工程与信息, 2020, 20(06), 114-120.
- [3] [2] Xia Li, Zhijian You, Xinwei Ma, Xiaomin Pang, Xuefeng Min. Effect of autonomous vehicles on car-following behavior of human drivers: Analysis based on structural equation models. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2024, 633, 129360.
- [4] [1] Xia Li,Yaxin Liang,Peilun Guo,Xinwei Ma,Yimei Liu. Driver–passenger guidance model for Chinese freeway service areas based on path selection and parking delay. Journal of Statistical Mechanics:, 2023, Vol.2023(12), 123401.
- [5] Li,Xia1;Liu,Ziyi1;Li,Mingye2;Liu,Yimei3;Wang,Chunyang4;Ma,Xinwei1;Liang,Yaxin1;. Research on the weaving area capacity of freeways under man–machine mixed traffic flow. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2023, 625 , .